Young Sheldon: Hobbitses, Physicses and a Ball With Zip
seizoen 3, aflevering 4
Wednesday, February 5 17:35 ‧ 30m
Sheldon moet een tijdje ophouden met wetenschap vanwege zijn obsessie met "The Lord of the Rings". Missy vraagt George sr. om met haar een balletje te gooien.
Meer afleveringen
3-10 Teenager Soup and a Little Ball of Fib
Tuesday, February 11 13:05 ‧ 25m
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3-11 A Live Chicken, a Fried Chicken and Holy Matrimony
Tuesday, February 11 13:30 ‧ 30m
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3-12 Body Glitter and a Mall Safety Kit
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3-13 Contracts, Rules and a Little Bit of Pig Brains
Tuesday, February 11 19:55 ‧ 25m
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3-14 A Slump, a Cross and Roadside Gravel
Wednesday, February 12 19:30 ‧ 30m
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3-15 A Boyfriend's Ex-Wife and a Good Luck Head Rub
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3-17 An Academic Crime and a More Romantic Taco Bell
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3-18 A Couple Bruised Ribs and a Cereal Box Ghost Detector
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3-19 A House for Sale and Serious Woman Stuff
Thursday, February 13 20:30 ‧ 25m
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3-20 A Baby Tooth and the Egyptian God of Knowledge
Friday, February 14 19:35 ‧ 30m
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3-21 A Secret Letter and a Lowly Disc of Processed Meat