When Brainy criticises Chef's cooking, Chef walks out in a huff and ends up cooking for the Ogres; When Clumsy and Dimwitty take care of Baby, they try to show all of Smurf Village how smurfsome they really are.
Meer afleveringen
1-2 Who Nose?; Clumsy Not Clumsy
Thursday, March 20 03:05 ‧ 25m
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1-3 Unsmurfable Smile; Mind the Cat
Thursday, March 20 03:30 ‧ 20m
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1-16 Smurfy Secrets
Thursday, March 20 14:40 ‧ 20m
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1-9 Where's Papa Smurf?; Who's Heftier?
Friday, March 21 03:00 ‧ 25m
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1-4 Smurfs in Disguise; Jokes on You
Friday, March 21 03:25 ‧ 25m
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1-15 Crashing Gargamel's Party; The Curse of the Smurfs' Treasure